This blog is made to support [SEREMEDY] band!!!


Thursday 15 March 2012

[Seremedy ~ FanService] [JENZiiH x Ray]

Okay, in this morning when I was looking on YouTube at videos with [Seremedy] I just find out that [FanService] between [JENZiiH] and [Ray].

The video is recorded at [Uppcon:XI] last year.

As a [Yaoi] lover and as a [Fan], I love [Fanservices]. This is a good one >~< They're looking really good together.... Hmm... Maybe we'll also write a [FanFic] with [JENZiiH x Ray] when we'll finish the [Seike x Yohio] one.

So, hope that you'll also love this [Fanservice] (seriously, now it's impossible to not love it) and that you'll like our [FanFics] that will be posted soon.

See you`~

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